
~~ Hello, I'm Zaralla1!

► I'm a digital artist who mostly works on OC & multifandom art!► I love drawing unhinged characters, with tons of rough perspective and colors! Most of my work is SFW, and I'm also working on a comic project with my partner, which is something I'm really passionate about! 💜

Please feel free to check out my commission TOS and prices below!

◇ Do not edit or alter my work❌| Thanks for visiting! ♥


Commission status: OPEN

If you’d like to order a commission, or if you have any questions about my art or products, feel free to DM me via provided contact links at any time! Don’t be afraid of asking me any additional questions.

Sensitive information is kept confidentially between me and the client.


Rendered | Bust | 40 $
Rendered | Halfbody | 60 $
Rendered | Fullbody | 80 $
Extra characters cost an additional 60% of the original commission price. Up to a maximum of two extra characters can be added. Complex animals and monsters will count as „characters“, but parts of characters will count as simple background elements. The bust can include hands in the picture, free of charge.___________________________Background options | Free
Simple backgrounds with elements of my own choosing are free of charge.
Background options | Paid
A specified simple background with elements of your choice will cost an additional 5$. I will not draw intricate backgrounds.


Before ordering a commission it is required to read the Terms of Service! By commissioning me you agree to these terms.
If I am unable to complete your commission, you will be immediately notified and fully refunded.


► You may use the purchased artwork for icons, thumbnails, banners, backgrounds, wallpapers, video montages, edits, decorating/personalizing web spaces, etc.)
►The artwork you purchase is not intended for commercial use. It is instead intended for your personal, non-profit use.
► Use of purchased artwork in generative AI/ML models is also not permitted, for any reason. By purchasing this artwork, you agree to oblige to these terms.
► This artwork is not intended for use in NFT trade.
► Prices are in USD ($). I allow for 3 free revisions before charging a fee.
► After sending you sketches, and confirming any possible changes, you must provide full payment before I continue working for you.
► You must provide a correct e-mail address so that the finished commissioned order can be sent to you.
► The artwork you purchased will be drawn in my style.
► If you need a finished work by a certain deadline, please tell me about it in advance so I can prioritize it.
You are not permitted to claim to have created the artwork. You must provide credit to me when posting the commissioned work online.
► I may post the artwork you purchased on my social media to advertise myself and to be shown as an example of my work. You can request the work to be kept private.
► I reserve the right to reject any commission.
► No refunds (Except if I am unable to complete your commission order).

___________________________- HOW TO ORDER

You have to contact me and provide the following information:
• Title: Commission + [your name / username]
• Type of commission: bust, halfbody, fullbody
• Character/s: Visual reference of the character/s, the more references you can provide, the better.
• Expression / Mood / Pose: This is where you tell me what kind of pose and expression you want your character to have, as well as the context they are in. For an example, a serious character holding a mask next to their face, or an anxious character that looks very scared.
• Your payment method of choice: [Stripe / PayPal /
• You must provide a correct e-mail address so that the finished commissioned order can be sent to you
I accept photo references, screenshots, moodboards and doodles. I will not accept written-only descriptions.

___________________________- HOW THE PROCESS LOOKS

The more you can tell me about your request, the better! You can also tell me about your character's personality, this helps in drawing them faithfully. Once I have all the information I need, I will start working on two sketches. When I send you the sketches, you can request changes (to the pose, colours, expression) 3 times. Any additional changes will increase the original price by 10%. Within 1-3 months, your artwork will be complete and sent to you in full HQ resolution!


Things I will draw

Fanart, Couples/Ships, OCxCanon, Original characters, Fan characters, Suggestive themes, Mild violence, Blood, Monsters, Furries, Creatures.

Things I do not draw

Intricate backgrounds, Explicit fetish art, Explicit violence, Realism, Animals, Mecha/Robots, Description-only orders, NSFW.

**I also reserve my right to decline a commission if I deem its content to be problematic, or if the terms of service aren't being followed.

Contact & slots 🗯️

Feel free to contact me anytime! I will answer any additional questions. You can grab me for DM's at-

You can also reach me through e-mail at [email protected]

I regularly post updates about each commission order, and you can check how far I'm progressing with your artwork.




1 - Exxiry (Twitter)

Subject no.113

Name : Zaro

[Type | Fey, Monster, Mad Fairy Scientist, Partially bionic]

"Fairies 🦋 are too often depicted as idealized humans with very little changes to their anatomy. What if we had fairies that leaned more towards the insect than a human? What if we had a monstrous trickster?

After using experimental procedures, and psionic magic to alter natural evolution, his own body changed as well.

Zaro is an "artificial fairy", a Dottore segment created to gather information about changes within Ley Lines and Irminsul exploration. He is a very powerful fey, and uses psychic abilities to project a human-like appearance into the minds of other segments and those who perceive him. His true form is that of a horrifying, demonic insect. Zaro has moved into Fey lands and drove out their original residents. He often imprisons fairies in cages and uses them as a source of light across his laboratories. Or in the case of Aranara, he uses their life energy to power his experiments. He is also known to try and influence outsiders to do his bidding.

The age of his body (or rather what is left of it after mutation went through) is approximately 25. He inherited a clear arcane affinity from his precursor omega model, and bears the code name "Achaterosom" which is how Dottore Prime refers to him. Since he is still a "Harbinger lord" even as a segment, he posesses several titles that others identify him with: Dark Fey, Lord of Locusts, Fey Prime, Imperator Fey, Achaterosom, Sidhe Fae 🦋

He shares many characteristics with fairies, and is well suited for researching "dreams". Zaro loves spending time with his crossbred monster plants & relaxing while hovering in the air.


When creating Zaro, I took inspiration from folklore stories about fairies. There is a spell that the fey use to blend in with the humans, and it's called a glamour. I've given Zaro an ability with the same name that lets him project a humanoid appearance into the minds of those who surround him. This human form has a flamboyant style that borders on tacky. It's an illusion, made possible by powerful psionic magic. But, the illusion isn't perfect- Because of mutation, Zaro lost some of his cognitive capacity. He can't help but sometimes think like an insect, and he cannot fully focus on „being human“. That is why even his illusion bears visible insect characteristics, and when he walks, he can't help but tiptoe-- pretending to walk like a human is hard since his legs in his true form just don't work that way.
In this false human form, his fangs stick out on the left side of his mouth, his insect chitin is disguised as „black armor“ on his arms, and his body fur appears as a "wearable fur coat". His antennae are still visible, and he towers at 250 cm height, far above most other segments and humans. His huge height is an inspiration I took from Lady Dimitrescu, because I really enjoy the idea of Zaro needing to squeeze through doors or being able to pick up other segments and carry them. While having the glamour spell on, Zaro's voice sounds fruity and slightly coarse. And in his true form, it's a grating scowl and he can't resist hissing. The human illusion is Zaro's idea of getting others to drop their guard around him. He tries to be soothing and amicable, but he is often frightening instead.

In his true form, he speaks with a hiss, and typically drags out the "s". His voice becomes a raspy scowl. When upset, he hisses with irritation, and his voice has a growing trill. You can practicaly feel the ominous droning vibrations go through your body. It's also his way of purring when he's happy (yes, he's a bug that can purr ^^'').
Zaro's body is surprisingly light and durable,and thanks to his powerful hind legs, he can jump 20 times his full height, at a great speed. He can jump extremely high and then glide, giving the impression of prolonged flight (like a locust). Though sometimes, sudden jumps may sometimes lead him to ram into walls or buildings, causing signifficant structural damage. The bionic implants in his body used to help him prevent his own mutation. It was a fight against his unstable genetic structure. But, he purposefully neglected administering the anti-mutagens, and this eventually transformed him into a giant insect. Dangerous unpredictability of his fey nature combines with cunning intelligence, and monstrous hunger and lust.It became very hard to keep Zaro's sanity in this combined form. Prime wanted to create a fairy, but what he truly created is a monster. His mind really went half-way into primal insect form. this is why some of his experiments sometimes straight up make no sense, or lead nowhere. The mind of a brilliant scientist was muddled. Since Zaro's own cognition was damaged by the mutation, he must fight to keep his insect urges from overpowering his thought processes.

Zaro's Human form|
Pip Torrens, voice of "Varre", from Elden Ring

Zaro's True form|
Sigurd Wongraven, voice of "Satyr", from the band Satyricon

Fun facts

✦ Since Zaro is a bug, he prefers entering houses through windows- not doors. Because of his high locust jump and wings, two story buildings are no challenge at all.
✦ Because of his insectoid nature, his movements tend to be very fast- and abrupt. For example, instead of normally turning his head to see you, his head would snap in your direction. His rapid movement means that he basically jolts from one gesture to another. It's a bit scary.
✦ His teeth are sharp and venomous, but he mostly delivers dry bites! The venom is a mix of things he ingested and that the unique enzymes in his body broke down.
✦ Since a good portion of Zaro's mind is that of an insect, he does actually consider eating some of his allies at first. As in, actually tearing their flesh to shreds and digesting them with great satisfaction.
✦ In his Domain, Zaro has a bunch of "courtiers" who serve him, either as servants to a lord, or lab assistants. They are all Zaro's former test subjects and are monsters themselves. They refer to him as "lord", "master" or "excellency".
✦ Zaro is very fond of insulting his minions in creative ways. It's an inspiration of fairies being plain rude. He'd call them blithering fools, cackanded dimwits, oafish vermin, feckless dolts and so on- "Huh, you're not such a worthless skunk after all" - As a fairy, sometimes he is possessed by an instinct to make things rhyme.
✦ His pincers often move subconsciously, tittering and twitching while he talks or rests in monster form.
✦ As a powerful fey creature, Zaro has a fair grip over natural forces. He can freeze water around you or shroud you in mist and send you back home.
✦ Zaro has a large collection of special, or magical items. He is very fond of shiny baubles, even if he doesn't use them. He's a lot like a magpie, with many shiny artifacts & treasures in his lair!! He may offer them in exchange for something valuable, or as a gift for sealing deals with him.
✦ Zaro's emotions are very chaotic, as they are dictated by the harmful Ley line energies swirling within his mutated body. His anger is powerful, and it can even alter the appearance of his Domain, or outside weather. His servants fear his volatile anger as they tend to get eaten.
✦ When startled, Zaro may behave as a scared bug. He'll leap off into a wall like a confused grasshopper if he gets startled 🦗🦗 Or, he falls on his back, clumsily buzzing on the floor, flying in circles and ramming into everything. He has no sense of direction while freaking out, and this makes him freak out even more.
✦ He likes jumping, and walking upside down. When resting in his home... he's mostly resting on the ceiling.
✦ Zaro can't shake the habit of rubbing his hands together while in human disguise (like cleaning his forelegs and antennae) nor can he resist instinctively wanting to climb things, like walls, tables, and rooftops. He also can't resist street lights... or lamps. His insect instincts tell him to stand near light sources.
✦ Zaro sometimes has nightmares of rolled up newspapers, slippers and bug spray. Zaro also despises going into water. He definitely can swim, but in most cases he will simply refuse going into any water that is beyond knee-depth. He will just grumble and stand there.
Fairies typically love tea parties and tea houses, which makes Zaro a big fan of tea as well. He still has his prickly personality, and is hard to get along with, but you may be able to buy some time to talk to him if you get him rare kinds of tea and let him drink it! he also loves recieving porcelain as gifts. He is fond of potions and tea (Zaro is a lot like a swamp hag).
✦ Surprisingly, he loves physical contact and hugging! Those 4 arms and 4 legs are made for hugging! (if you aren't afraid of getting eaten) Keep in mind that Zaro eats things both when he's in love with them, AND when he's angry with them!
✦ 💗💗 When in love, Zaro serenades his partner with his cheerful chirps, as a form of flirting with them! As a way of courtship, he may also flex his wings, or move the four arms on his humanoid torso in a bedazzling way. This is inspired by jumping spiders flaying their arms around to impress a mate.
✦ Zaro is sometimes ignorant of the effect of his otherworldly abilities towards humans he wants to interact with, ignoring the laws of his world and theirs. This sometimes results in „guests“ being trapped for seven years in his realm when they all thought they were having a simple tea party.
✦ Zaro has a fruity personality (when he isn't overwhelmed by his own anger) and he likes to speak in a condescending tone. He manages to pull that off, while sounding like he's doting on you at the same time! He speaks in a honeyed way, often saying things like „Ohh,yes“ or „Mm, yes“. His manner of speech is reminiscient of a fey who invites travelers into their house and gifts them with suspicious sweets. His voice is full of subtle voice cracks. He speaks like a doting grandmother!
✦Zaro has this Bondrewd quirk where he calls everything heroic and adorable, no matter how much it tries to kill him. „ah you're so adorable when you're angry like that“ or „I'm going to make you cute and adorable“ before turning you into an abominable monster.
✦ When he laughs, Zaro sometimes shrieks in a high-pitched, raspy laugh that may startle you. Zaro also talks faster than he thinks- and sloppily scribbles the names of his documents and then later whines for being unable to decipher them quickly. He just does everything too fast!
✦ His power of alteration can change the appearance of objects at will, and Zaro sometimes uses this to play tricks on others for his own fun. Such as making items invisible, or making one item appear as a different one. The fact that he constantly regulates harmful Ley Line energies within his body, means he has no use for a vision of any kind.
✦ His appearance is a cross between locust and mantis, and when he laughs, a clamorous chittering sound can be heard coming from his humanoid torso. His laugh sounds like "ChiChiChi"!
✦ Zaro has a monstrous appetite, its obscene how much he will eat. At one point when he hung out with another segment, he arranged for a massive table to be filled with food and delights from all across Teyvat. The Teyvat was positively stacked with food and desserts. But while talking and chit-chatting his guest, Zaro ended up eating everything by himself. Even one of his courtiers. He just didn't notice. Don't ever pay for Zaro's dinner, he will empty your wallet.
✦ In his nightmares, where he dreams of himself being a small damselfly, he sees a gigantic slipper speeding towards him as he watches, helpessly.
✦ As a Fey, Zaro doesn't just give curses- he can grant small wishes as well. Imagine wishing something from a fairy, and instead of an adorable little pixie, you're visited by a large, towering insect fiend!😈He wouldn't eat you, he would just grant you your wish. But you should be careful when making a deal with him. Making deals can extort a high price from the one who summons him. You may think you're signing up for a simple deal, but you end up trading away your limbs, becoming a test subject- or ending up being turned into one of his "courtiers" bound to serve him as a slave until the end of eternity.
✦ When Zaro gets excited, his wings flutter. He cannot control this, so it causes him to become flustered. He is quite fond of his wings, and he cleans them with great care. In his Great Garden, Zaro enjoys hovering slightly above ground or lounging about in the air.
✦ Zaro hates glass doors. Being around them makes him feel... inferior [flashback of Zaro repeatedly ramming into the door as he's trying to leave a meeting] and "bugs hit the glass because they do not have the intellectual capacity to realize they are hitting an obstacle and should attempt to pass another way."
✦ Since he is an insect by a good part, Zaro also cannot resist wonderfully smelling gardens. He's keen on flowers, and a part of him really wants to stick his face into them.
✦ As a fey, some of his trickery spells include teleportation. Whenever he is in an environment rich with ley line energy, Zaro can harness his special affinity and teleport around. Teleporting behind your back while talking with you is his favorite thing to do. His other trickery ability is to "curse" a person into being affected with whatever Zaro drinks or eats. So, he can sip down on powerful alcohols and it will be the other who becomes drunk.
✦ He may accidently hurt some creatures he didn't want to, in which case he genuinely starts crying (he's very emotional, and he goes from 0-12 very easily)
Zaro doesn't faint normally. Instead, he curls up like a dead insect and it becomes impossible to interact with him until he has regained his composure. Even when sleeping looks the same as when he is fainted (his legs are stiff and curled up, he looks dead) and then he suddenly springs up and starts flying. "WHAT👀. WHAT👀. WHA👀- ah, it's you."
✦ His favorite hobbies are gardening and resource collection, and his private chambers foster a wide array of plant life. There's a glass ceiling and a large tree in the middle- it's almost like sleeping in the wilderness.
✦ Folk tales used to say that Fairies carry away souls of those unfortunate to meet them, and in the case of this mad scientist, that is definitely true. Travelers, musicians and adventurers snatched away never to be seen. They must entertain Zaro to avoid becoming his food, food for his minions or spare parts for his experiments. He's a mad scientist after all.
✦ Zaro's secret domain is exquisite- and ignoring the dangers- rather quite beautiful. But, he has an unwelcoming personality and wants to share his delights with no one. Unless if he is about to trick them. He keeps looking towards Celestia with both reverence and jealousy, for their residence is high up in the sky. Perhaps he should work on fixing that part of himself, and try making more allies.


Zaro was made to draw elemental energies from the ley lines, and knows more about Irminsul than any other segment. Zaro can absorb and regulate the harmful elemental energies inside him, which is enabled by his unstable genetic structure. Because he was made with the purpose of studying the irminsul, his body is under constant psionic charge, making his temperament volatile and prone to anger. Sometimes, when too much energy courses through his body, his emotions become impassioned and euphoric.
Every week he has to submerge himself into elemental energies and undergo a form of "cryosleep". This is done to preserve all data he acquired, and while unconscious, he's unable to defend himself. For that reason his chambers are well-hidden beneath a tapestry of dreams. Sometimes, while he sleeps, Aranara gather around and watch him. Like Prime, Zaro is adept at putting living beings to sleep with certain sound frequencies, or by using the dust from his wings.
The name of his secret domain is Feywild Fane. In other instances, it is sometimes refered to by other characters as "The Garden". It's a carefully crafted interplanar realm, a place where Zaro can perform his experiments or hide from danger. The Fane an intricate tapestry of dreams, crafted by Zaro using irminsul in the way only he knows how. Here, Zaro can effortlessly swim through the air, ignoring gravity and doing so playfully as much as a pixie would. But make no mistake- he is no kind fairy, but a monster instead. The residents of the Garden are typically dangerous, depending on which layer of the garden you are exploring. The deeper you go into the Garden, the more dangerous it gets. Like Zaro, they are also fey creatures- and they very much share his monstrous gluttony and lust. You chance to run into awakened plants, treants in the canopy or fey hounds, and each encounter may well end up being your last.Since he was stationed in Sumeru, Zaro fell in love with gardening, breeding monster hybrids and growing crystalflies. Zaro feels a stronger connection to his past than most other segments. Partially because in Irminsul, memories and feelings flow freely across the fabric of time. For Zaro this is a complicated, and very personal experience. A long time ago, before giving himself over to scientific pursuits, the original Dottore used to personify a force of nature. He may not have been a fey- but he was an otherworldly being nonetheless. He was rejected by his own kind, and by humans alike. Although this happened almost a thousand years ago, because of Irminsul's unique relationship with memories, Zaro feels the wounds of rejection as if they were fresh from yesterday. There is a deep feeling of inadequacy nestled in his heart. He hopes to find comfort and consolation in his scientific pursuits, as he tries to make some sense of the world and his place in it.

Inspiration wise, Zaro is sort of a Grig Fairy! (Appearance wise, but not taking size into account since these beings are very small) (img. source: Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database)

The Grigs are a fey race who are notable for having their bottom body parts resemble those of a cricket, and they are typically a mischievous but harmless species. Visually I also enjoyed the designs of Scorrow and Drider, and they were a huge inspiration to getting Zaro where he is now! Particularly Driders and their loss of sanity because of their insectoid transformation. Zaro was also inspired by Wisp and Titania from Warframe (img. source: Titania, official Prime Access)

Zaro is also inspired by "Hags"! Especially how he pampers his victims with pet names, and draws a wide smile (while hiding his sharp teeth) and urges you to do something very dangerous! He has a doting and kindly vibe, almost like a grandmother showering her grandchild with love. Zaro is more of a "doting old grandparent" and less of a suave charmer. But most of all? He is a bloodthirsty fey creature that wants you for his experiments. His kindly act and pretending to be vulnerable is to lure people in! Before you know it, you'll be sucking on poisoned apples. The thing about Hags that works amazingly with this Segment OC is that like Hags, he also loves corrupting others by tempting them with vice. Food, lust, or shining treasures to sate their greed. He "delights in corrupting purity & beauty" visually, this works even better because he's a bug, more specifically a locust associated with corruption. Hanging out in a swamp and enjoying tea☕ with pastries🍰 alongside other evil fey would be his prime choice of relaxation activity."Don't fret my pet" "Dont you worry your little head my sweet!" "I've got every potion you need, dearie!" "Let Zaro take a look at you!"
(img. source: Hags D&D Wiki)

I took a lot of inspiration from malevolent fairies, who would enjoy snatching mortals away into their realms, forcing them to become their spouses or servants (or in Zaro's case, test subjects). I feel like it's a great match for a mad scientist! I love the idea of mysterious, dangerous beings who seemingly just want to have fun, but they make you dance until you die of exhaustion, or they just simply tear you to shreds once dancing has made you tired and weak. I wanted to bring a new taste to our quirky and energetic scientist by combining his characteristics with those of a fey. Now he can trick people into making dangerous deals with him, instill illusions into the minds of mortals and sing dangerous lullabies.
I've also loved the idea of fairies who grant ironic punishment to people, such as turning them into furniture, or trapping them in mirrors. Turning hunters into animal servants and robbing them of their free will, etc. Or the stories of the "Fairy host" who would fly on the fairy wind- a current of energy that would end up being responsible for blight and sickness, or for deforming living things. The ever-frightening Fairy troop. I want Zaro to embody all those things, and it's my main creative inspiration that pushes me forward when I'm working on him!



A very special thank you to everyone who has drawn Zaro!! 💗💗

Segment stories

Tarnished Wanderer


[List of occupations : Page, Confessor (failed), Briefly a member of Mohg's Dynasty, Bandit and then a wanderer, Wants to become a retainer of a worthy Elden Lord- in the end, he didn't find a "worthy" Lord, but he found someone he wanted to make happy]

"... Regill Haines is a cowardly character with a talent for spinning stories. He failed his master as a Page- and then fled from duty as a Confessor, never understanding the will of the Golden Order. Finally, when he faced execution as an "offering" for the Lord of Blood, he begged on his bruised palms to be put in their service instead. After all, hipocrisy is the privilege of those who can survive. From spending time with Mohg's followers, Regill claimed the dynasty's mannerisms. Lest to say- his subsequent adventures carried him all over the Lands Between."

Regill's theme~

Regill was always a crass character with the typical bearings of a bandit, even while he lived as a servant in his Master's lavish home in Leyndell. His earliest memories are of him being a Page after his Master saved him from a life on the streets. Though Regill wasn't „saved“ as much as he was „bought“- his lord only choosing beautiful servants to walk side by side with them. He submitted to his position, never lacking food, rest, or interesting books to read.
Regill did not care about humiliation or unfairness, it was the world he grew up in. Is it a crime for a hungry child to steal? Is it a crime to 'rescue' a child out of poverty when you buy them as a slave? To him, the concepts of right and wrong were always just drummed up noise. But nonetheless, Regill never truly „liked it“. He hated this boring life and worked up a desire to become a royal archivist in the Golden Order, earning enough rank and runes to buy himself out of his Master's service. But while researching the topic of Outer Gods, Regill becomes interested in „Sin“, so much that he briefly even forgets his goal. Ironically, the research of this topic causes the Order to lose interest in him, and Regill loses his chance to buy his freedom. Even worse, he is sent to work on the fringes of the kingdom as a „Confessor“ and even after fulfilling his duty, he'd simply be returned to his master to continue working as a Page. Regill thought it was tedious to go there- but he also thought it was tedious to try rebelling. He would spend several months working as a Confessor... smirking at the irony fate brought down on him.
Then one day, the camp where he rests alongside troops of the Golden Order gets raided overnight- by none other than the dark invaders who serve the Lord of Blood. Soon every member of the camp finds themself tied together and lined up like cattle, while their new „owners“ determine how they will be sacrificed. Driven to desperate limits by fear, Regill throws himself at the feet of the nobles, kissing them and begging them to be put into service rather than killed. Bemused, they put a kriss into his trembling hands, their intentions clear- they wanted to judge his willingness to aid the Mohg Dynasty. Nobody could say who was more terrified on that day. The victims whose blood flowed, or the frightened Regill reflected in their eyes. Ever since then, he was a member of the cult. There was a strength to sticking together with them, and as long as somebody else was sacrificed- that was another day added to his life. As he became used to this twisted daily existence, Regill found himself with enough spare time to resume his studies on „Sin“, and this time, in the tombs in Limgrave he found Blackflame- it almost felt like a reward for the loathsome decisions he made in life. He even became complacent with feeling shame. But Regill couldn't help but feel like the world was poking fun of him. The thing he was searching for all this time, was already there. "Sin" became his companion and his destiny.
This isn't where Regill's story would end. This is only the start of his adventures, more of which can be found in Regill's „lore“ segment!


Regill is meant to look like an ordinary bandit. His outfit set is supposed to convey his pragmatic personality, so he will wear something that is light, inconspicuous, comfortable and offers protection. He looks like a regular enemy unit you'd see walking around in Limgrave. Regill wears an ordinary Foot Soldier helmet, an altered Drake Knight chestpiece, Leather pants and a pair of Queen's bracelets.
● His hair color is mouse blonde. Though Regill is suggested to look "beautiful", that part is never played up in his design. He may look pretty in other character's eyes, but we will never see that because we are looking at Regill from his POV, and he doesn't care what he looks like.● The Foot Soldier Helmet makes him look like an untrustworthy person, (like Patches, after whom he is inspired), and it perpetually casts a shadow over Regill's eyes. This gives the impression of a comedic, sneaky, stooge-type of a character (Regill is pragmatic, but also cowardly). Because of his helmet, local bandits and deserters call him "Buckethead Regill".

● Some basic info :
Gender / Pronouns : (AFAB) Nonbinary / he,any,they
Age : 27
Height / Weight : 164 (5'5'') / 60 kg
Sexuality : Alloromantic Pansexual
Origin : Leyndell citizen, born in the Lands Between
Character alignment : Chaotic Good
Favorite time / activity : Windy sunny days, Finding new picturesque places to laze about on his own

● Regill's VA: Elliot Christensen-Yule ↗

● Regill's voice lines :

Ohh ohh? What do we have here?He's thick as boots, but nobody is as adorable as him.Hello-hello, is anyone home? (taps a hollowed warrior's helmet)(cringes) Ugh, it's kinda making me emotional.
Eheh, I knew you could handle it! ...That's why I left them to you.Bad day, bad day, bad day!! This is for all the times I was extremely lucky ;__;Eheh, but first... Am I handsome?You haven't figured it out, have you? I just can't resist messing with you.

Fun Facts

✦ He is a collector of stories. Regill likes to travel around and collect as many different pieces of lore as he can. He had a dream of being a royal archivist once, so he still records any piece of history he can find. The expensive loot sure is a nice bonus though, ✨✨
✦ Regill loves cats, reading Leyndell's history scrolls, and most of the food he eats are Rowa berries and dried fruit. (Torrent looks in silent contempt as the bandit eats his treats instead of giving them to him 💢)
✦ Regill hates filth, but strangely enough he seems to like Basilisks. He can't help but show a vivid and exaggerated reaction when something gross happens.
✦ His favorite weapon is the basic scimitar, which he infuses with Blackflame. His second favorite weapon is the Naginata, emblazened with frenzied flame (might as well use it, since he can't get rid of it, no? 😇)

✦ Regills gets crushes on other characters very easily. He simply stares into the face of someone vaguely beautiful, and it's enough to make him go "ohhhh", and his face flushes red. However, he falls out of love just as easily as he falls into it. After a month he will probably forget his crush... 💔💔
✦ Regill is cursed with "protagonist's luck"- whatever happens to him, things always turn out for the better even if he actively tries to fail. It scares him. He thinks it has to do with the Grace of Gold- but the truth is in the domain of the goddess of Punishment and Sin. He doesn't see that his "unusual clumsiness" and "unusual luck" stem from the same source.

✦ Regill is always cold, he shivers even when it's warm outside, and he's very easily startled by loud noises. Since he can't take low temperatures, he never visits the Mountaintops of Giants ❄️
✦ Regill likes to play up a rough image, but he isn't fond of violence and he doesn't like to fight for no reason ❌ His temper is also very cool, and it's not easy to ignite his anger.
✦ Regill is not above cowering, or licking someone's boots if it means they will have mercy on him (like Patches). His way of fighting means to flee and survive when necessary. He's aware that the world is full of beings much more powerful than him. Regill still thinks he can be "the hero of his own story", as long as he doesn't lose his will to fight.
Because of a disaster that struck Mohg's palace and destroyed most of his clanmates, Regill is infested with Frenzied flame. He tries to keep it under control, so he frequents calm places 🌼🌼 Because Frenzied Flame is hard to endure, he often looks sweaty, exhausted or miserable while resting.

✦ Regill can often be seen lounging about lazily during the day. This is because he sleeps during the day, and pillages at night. He likes sitting in alcoves, or resting in tree canopies since climbing is very easy for him and he likes to stay out of sight (sometimes, he plays the flute there- canonically, playing music is something that Pages can be seen doing in Leyndell City ) Sleeping is his most preferred pastime.
✦ If you stumbled into him, he would be surprised, and then polite. He typically tries to be charming, while trying to discern if you make a good target for thievery...
✦ When playing games, Regill cheats so much that it becomes an entirely different game. For an example, while playing cards with Patches, both keep calling each other out and exaggerating their indignation. It's all in good fun though, because as soon as the game is done they're back to being friends 🤝🤝
✦ He likes characters who are friendly... and most importantly, who forgive & forget very easily 😇😇
✦ Nothing Regill has ever owned truly belonged "to him". First as a homeless child, then a pet living under his master, then a reprobate confessor, a fearful member of the blood cult- the list goes on. So, Regill doesn't mind lying and stealing.
✦ Regill loves whistling while he wanders around, and he knows around 15 different melodies! ~🎵 Regill is also very capable of imitating bird song!
✦ Regill thinks people can allow themselves all sorts of fantasies if it makes them feel better. Even if those fantasies are arrogant. He thinks it's actually quite cute.
✦ Regill is clumsy, and an awful fighter. But because of his unusual luck, he comes out whole out of most situations. Emphasis on "most"... ...

✦ Regill became a bandit out of a need to scramble and survive. Eventually, he learned that he actually preferred this way of life. For a time, felt what it was to be "happy". Regill knows he's a good-for-nothing rascal and he lets his travel companions know that if push comes to shove, he will likely abandon them to their fate (and he expects them to do the same). He feels happier and comfortable when he's surrounded with characters who pursue their own goals.
Regill hates feeling scared.
✦ Regill's favorite people are Kale and the merchants (always gives them spare runes or food if he has any), Zorayas, Iji and Patches. He fears and hates the Dung Eater ☠️❌
✦ As previously mentioned, Regill picked up some of his mannerisms from Nobles in Mohg's dynasty. This makes him seem much more refined than he actually is. Regill is just... a little troll. You can catch him unearthing the most disgusting, grotesque burp from the depths of his being only to follow up with an apology line spoken with exquisite language 😊👍
✦ Regill loves the Nokron city and its surrounding regions, he often slinks into the depths beneath Limgrave to watch "the stars". The main reason why Limgrave is his favorite area is also because of what's under it.

✦ Regill often tries to pass off as a merchant or a traveller. He will offer a huge discount if he starts feeling nervous. At one point, he left an entire haul of treasure after the Tarnished he was speaking with grew wary of him and started asking where is his "donkey" 😨 (as soon as Regill bolted, leaving all his treasure behind- the person felt pretty lucky 😗🎵~)
✦ If the room he is in has no open doors or windows, Regill starts to feel anxious. If the cards are not in his hands, he begins to sweat.
✦ Doesn't like being followed around or having companions because he starts feeling responsible for them- and he knows full well, that when the situation gets serious, he will be the first one to run. He doesn't want to feel guilty for his "nature". He knows that in the era of Fracture, you're either strong- or you're dead.
Regill is exceptionally good at cheering himself up. He easily gets his confidence back up even if he was at the brink of despair moments earlier. He can tell himself jokes, or pretend to be "someone who's rescuing him".
✦ And lastly, Regill is a huge fan of the demigod Messmer! He greatly looks forward to meeting him, albeit he won't be liking the angle.

Regill's Lore

He believes in the existence of the goddess of Sin from lands beyond. At this point, Regill is 26 years old and he had been a Page ever since he was a child. Regill was picked up from the streets by his master who had been looking for a good fit to grow into his retinue. As far as he knows, this is all he is good for. Having grown up in his master’s care, he learned how to spin him around his finger. Regill had a silver tongue and knew how to get himself out of trouble and skip work. Regill’s home was a “cage” but it was undoubtedly a comfortable one. The same could be said about his relationship to his master and others around him. It was a lukewarm existence. He knew some servants had it worse- those in service to Seluvis have been said to endure –abuse-, earning no freedom even in the grip of death, as their master would turn them into puppets for his own wicked tastes. Regill knew he was lucky among the unfortunate- but this didn’t make him feel any better. It was just luck. He wasn’t in charge of his own life, but in a boat, swaying on the waves. Everything around him seemed inconsequential. Regill knew he was going to be unfair towards others, and in turn- that others would do the same. Not out of spite or hate, but convenience and necessity. Is it a crime for a hungry child to steal? Is it a crime to 'rescue' a child out of poverty when you buy them as a slave? Regill couldn’t bring himself to care about unfairness or humiliation, because it was the only world he knew. Instead, he understood that living is about “desire”, and that life does not exist without it. The only crime in his book, is not closing your fist when an opportunity sits in your hand. This is at the core of his character and also his greatest limitation for growth. Regill’s greatest fears are death and boredom, and sometimes he can’t see the difference between the two.
But eventually, Regill stops liking what he’s been doing- or rather, he gets bored with what he was doing. He begins to feel that he’d rather do more with his life than endure a lukewarm relationship with someone who buys his affection, whom he neither loves nor despises. One day Regill simply woke up with the idea that he wanted to change as a person. He wondered if this was possible to achieve- not trusting the claim over his own desire (Can it be done? Can he change the status quo?). He started studying, using the vast library of his master. He’d buy himself out of service. Something turned in him, and he wanted to challenge fate even if it kicked him out on the streets or threw him in jail. He wanted ownership over his own life.
He read about concepts of darkness being tied with humanity, and how “darkness” was their nature. A comfortable rot, reading about it was like justifying everything he had experienced so far. Regill thought it was interesting. Are all humans guilty from birth? is that what dictates their fates and makes them perpetual servants to higher beings? Does self perceived guilt make them sit and obey? Is guilt just masquerading as complacency and lukewarm satisfaction? But there was more. He eventually reached forbidden tomes detailing outer gods, and a particular being caught his eye- the Goddess of sin. He wondered, if in her eyes, such a thing as an "innocent" existed, and what would be the criteria for that. He started to believe that through penance he could be reborn and freed of his past (read: his nature). But what he actually meant was that it could remove his flaws as a person. He didn’t want to face the fact that such a thing could only change through personal decisions and fortitude. Instead, Regill begged for “Sin”, a manifestation of his personal demons that he could conquer. He thought once he kneeled before this unknown goddess, he would somehow rise as a different person. He was chasing happiness in form only. Even if he labelled it as “Sin”, Regill was no different from the adorers of the Golden Order who kneel and pray for salvation from the Golden Tree. But this isn’t how life works. And Regill doesn’t know it- but his prayers would be answered. However, this penance wouldn’t come in the form of something he can easily overcome, or even recognize. She will teach him that the world is much wider and larger than he thinks he knows. He’d get everything he wants- just not in the way he wants it. And out of all this, Regill’s unusual “luck” is born.

✦ Suddenly and somehow- the Golden Order caught wind of his heretical studies. Now, chasing the dream of buying himself out service becomes ashes in the wind. Regill watches his plans fall apart, and he feels ruined and destroyed- like something pushed him back to the start. But that’s when his master pleads to the Golden Order for mercy on his beloved servant. Thanks to this man’s affection, Regill’s life is spared. It’s a strange feeling- and it becomes even stranger when Regill is set to serve as a Confessor on the fringes of the kingdom, hunting down people who “sinned” against the Order in a similar fashion. It felt purposeful and artificial, but since Regill couldn’t point his suspicion to anyone, he had to comply. That was when he closed the tome with readings on “sin” and ventured outside. At least he wouldn’t be confined to his master’s mansion anymore, and that was what he wanted... right?
As a confessor, Regill came in contact with many people and got to listen to their stories. Because they saw him as an agent of the Golden Order, they didn’t mind sharing their hopes or the horrors they committed. Regill suddenly felt humbled, and saw that just like him- other people were the heroes of their own stories. They made him aware of the vast range of emotions that people go through. He started to feel bad about the overly simplistic interpretation he used to have of the world. He clutched his tools to himself, and thought about how he’d do better at his work. That perhaps, this is where he’s meant to be. Regill secretly felt a little proud- he knew that he grew as a person. He felt more driven than ever before. But that was when he lost everything again. As a Confessor, it was inevitable that he’d one day run into cultists of Mohg’s order. They overwhelmed one of the camps he was staying in, and crushed the defending force that stood in their way. Like shadows, they slinked from cover to cover, avoiding damages to their numbers until they dashed out the life of the last remaining knight. The survivors were rallied together to the center of the camp. Regill kicked and screamed, but their strong hands dragged him there nonetheless. Confessor and the guilty, all tied together like lambs waiting for slaughter. He looked into their eyes, and saw pure darkness he could not understand. His entire body was shaking, just like the people on his left and right. The cloaked figures walked around them, happy to have found offerings to sate the Lord and his followers. That’s when they started bleeding people dry. The mere sight of it drove Regill mad with fear. No longer was there a concept of evil and good he built up in his mind, no more people and their life stories. The only thing he felt was “fear”. And he saw how easily his understanding of the world shattered again. He begged for his life first, but then he begged to be put into service, saying he could bring them more offerings. ** Anything to avoid the pain and suffering of being bled to death like the others**. One of the cultists, a surgeon nonetheless- grabs Regill by the face, giving him an unusual and reassuring chuckle beneath his mask. The cultists decided to give Regill a chance- pressing a knife firmly into his open palm, and telling him to finish off the rest of the sacrifices. After the deed was done, the same surgeon approaches Regill again- bearing his usual, gentle smile. He delicately removes the knife from Regill’s hands (having to use some force, as Regill was clutching it to the point of numbness) and strokes his hair. He whispered into his ear, that he’d mould Regill into a fine Dynasty Noble. And that he would be more than he ever dreamed of being.
Regill would work briefly for the blood cult, learning their routine and how to distance himself from the horrid actions he had to take to keep himself alive. Keeping the cult happy was a far worse fate than doing service for his old master. This time he was actually hurting people. But, while working for these nameless fiends- Regill got to travel all over the Lands Between. The most interesting locations were the “burial tombs”, which he and his clan desecrated to learn more about the Erdtree. Regill could dive into his research without anyone stopping him. He could open any scroll and read any tome while scrutinizing its content without someone keeping guard or trying to stop him. On one special occasion, Regill spent an extra amount of time in Caelid- exploring a particular Tower and defeating Godskin Apostles within it by using the cult’s abilities. That was where he found Blackflame- and the power took a liking to him. He sat on the Tower’s ground level, in dust, not caring how filthy his sanguine noble outfit becomes. This was the first time that he felt especially happy and excited about something. The Blackflame danced around his fingers, biting his hand ever so slightly like a playful pet. This was the fruit of Regill’s search for “sin”, and for the first time- a power he had gained on his own. The black flames felt weighty which was different from the blood flame that Regill once had the opportunity to conjure. Just so, Regill accepted that he wasn’t a “spectator” anymore. He wasn’t here by accident, this wasn’t luck. He couldn’t blame the things he did on outside factors anymore. Taking advantage of the cult to further his pursuits was a conscious trade, and even more sin was granted to him in exchange. He sat alone with this revelation, his feet and hands burnt, but feeling happier than ever before.

✦ At this point, Regill became a full-blown Dynasty Noble, complete with their mannerisms, language- and knowledge. Unlike before, Regill now had his own place to stay. Now he was writing his own scrolls, and imparting his knowledge to others. He was strong, and now he had “rank”. His studies of the Blackflame made him a teacher to others and he enjoyed this role. But, in the depths of his heart, he still felt shame when looking back to all the sacrifices he made to the Blood Lord. This was a clear sign that this place was not his final destination, as he still hadn’t found himself. No matter how much he tried to rationalize to himself that this was a game of winners and losers, it didn’t work. All those people died so he could continue serving yet another master. An idea occurred to him- what if he became so powerful, that he could take over the cult’s head... and perhaps, even disband it? He would need a lot of power to do it. The Blackflame flickered in Regill’s hand promisingly, as if agreeing to conspire together with him. If only his old master could see him now.
But then, another disaster struck. After months of Regill’s training and preparation to challenge Mohg, the Lord of Blood - a Frenzied Lord appeared out of nowhere (as typically expected of “chaos”) with a simple goal in mind. They just wanted the Albinauric’s power- and began consuming their lives for their runes, with the side effect of Frenzied flame washing over the palace like an unstoppable wave. What didn’t survive, was subsumed- what survived, went insane. Dozens of his cultist allies fell to the frenzied rays of gold. Not as punishment for the wicked- but simply out of a third party’s desire. Regill grabbed himself by the head- he didn’t want to be sucked into the crucible of life, losing himself, his place and all the knowledge he sacrificed so much to gain. The image of himself with dignity and purpose slipped out of his fingers (but could there ever be dignity when its built upon the suffering of others?). When Regill woke up, he was surrounded with dozens of dead. While he was out of it, the Frenzied Lord merely stepped over him- letting him survive out of carelessness. Regill looked around to see the lake of blood ignited by yellow fire. He knew he couldn’t resume on this path again. And to make matters worse- he was now infested with “Frenzy”. And he could do nothing but submit to the reality of his new situation. It was time to start over, again.
Regill wanted to cure the frenzy inside of him. He paused his studies on the dark, and shifted his focus to this new, outer god. A familiar place manifested in his memory- the Haligtree. He remembered from the Blood Cult that this is where Miquella was from. He found a horse, and embarked on a journey. This time, Regill moved with purpose- and the blackflame urged him on with confidence. Despite his shattered dream, he rose to the challenge. He rode his horse through the frozen lands of giants. Through snowstorms and snow, he became covered in scars and his journey became written upon his body. When he arrived to his objective, Regill was met with more disappointment. Miquella’s needle was nowhere to be found. And it couldn’t be crafted either. But despite that he didn’t find a solution for his Frenzy, Regill learned more about “The Primordial Crucible”. He observed the grafting process in the Haligtree, and learned how it was made strong. It was because of the constant change- of evolution and mutation, a reason for which he learned it was outlawed by the Golden Order he once thought he’d serve. Regill chuckled to himself. It was all so absurd and ironic- but he decided to learn crucible magic nonetheless. Even though he had not found the needle, with his own cunning Regill found another way to make himself strong enough to resist the flame. But there was one more place Regill wanted to check out- the lost city of Nokron. In one of the scrolls he found while perusing the dusty libraries of Miquella’s city, he saw mention of Farum Azula and talk about an old God who departed to the land of stars. Since, by his understanding- this old god existed in the time of the Crucible Era, he could potentially learn more about how to separate individuals from “the soup of souls”- as he called the Frenzied flame.
On his way back to Limgrave, he had to stop by for a terrifying sight. The city of Leyndell, once a proud metropolis- was buried in ruins. The buildings were crumbled, and burnt ashes filled the streets. It seemed that the Frenzied flame whipped through here as well. Wrapped in rags, Regill traversed over the fallen city on horseback. He saw the master's old home, reduced to rubble, frightening scorch marks scarring the roof of a once golden pavillion. It looks like his master won't be able to return him into servitude again. Regill paused. How many months has it been since he went missing in action as a Confessor? It was such a long time that even the cult he served was wiped out. Everything became ashes and distorted noise. He felt.. relief. Like a stone fell from his chest. Regill’s past and future could never join together to form a loop. He abandoned the place, carrying the image of the city’s opulence in his mind like a last memento.

✦ When he arrived to Limgrave, Regill began looking for an entrance into the underground world. He was aware of an old well that could lead him to the city, but all access routes were blocked at some point, which meant he had to find a different way in. He travelled through forests, scoured the burning plains and peeked into every cave. His search availed to nothing, aside from finding a couple of new merchant friends and a strangely friendly warrior jar. Exhausted, Regill sighed loudly and slid on his back, looking at the sky. Just as he was scratching his nose, a meteorite ripped through the sky with deafening noise. It all happened in a split second, and it was as if the clouds themselves were set on fire. Regill’s eyes bulged open, and then a hot blast threw him away. If he had any eyebrows, they were gone now for sure. Regill rubbed his eyes, and dusted off his clothes. He started carefully approaching the impact area, waving off the flying dust with his hands. As he approached closer, a distinct shape started coming into view. It was a massive crater! and the residual gravitational energy was so strong, that huge chunks of rock still hung in the air. It was as beautiful as it was unnerving- Regill wasn’t comforted by the idea that one of those things could go plummeting down on his head as he tries to climb down into the hole. But at least, now there was a way in. Regill nodded, and then jumped downward into the unknown. A faint sprite of Blackflame lit up his way.
He was shocked by what he saw. The city of Nokron was clean and barely damaged- like a pocket in space that existed outside of time. Its dignified walls stood proud and tall. But even more, Regill thought about how far beneath the surface he was. He was struck by a sudden fear of everything collapsing- though he decided to put that thought aside in his mind. He didn’t want to feel afraid of just walking around this city, especially when he had a goal to accomplish. The heels of his boots clanked against the city’s polished black tiles. With every turn of a corner, Regill saw something new. He was shocked by the amount of stairs- despite that most of its current population consisted of beings he understood as “slimes”. There were even massive, sentient balls. Regill once stood on a balcony in utter horror, as a seemingly inanimate object tried to reach him in order to cause him harm. This thing even stalked him- quietly trailing from behind and forcing Regill to take narrow streets. He felt like he was just sightseeing now, as if the original goal in his mind was now somewhere else. He had a distinct feeling that the city itself was alive and aware of his presence... and that it was preparing something for him. That was when he met another human- or rather, something close to it. One of the “slimes” he had been encountering took the shape of a person. At first, Regill thought it was a monster trying to imitate him, but then he realized this being had it’s own mind. It begged him for mercy- and although frightened, Regill agreed to hear it out. This being introduced itself and its species as “mimics”, and Regill even ended up taking care of it. It spent time by his side as he explored the city, hearing many of his tales about his journey so far. The mimic took quite a liking to him (even though he was mostly rambling about places and gods it had no idea about). Regill even spoke about the Gloam-Eyed Queen who was capable of dispensing justice even over the gods themselves. Exciting- the mimic thought. Justice this, justice that- for someone who claimed the world is “just winners and losers” (at least at the start), it was obvious what Regill still cared about the most. The mimic didn’t understand much but loved hearing Regill talk all the same. It was perhaps obvious only now, but Regill had slowly been changing as a person this whole time. Perhaps not with very visible milestones- but with each adventure, Regill was becoming more invested, more responsible- and more kind. This was seen now when he was finally opening his heart to someone, talking in great detail about his experiences and feelings, even if his listener is only a mimic. It quietly adored the first human it saw, and to that being, Regill was the most amazing hero ever (even though he didn’t realize it). But then, at the end of his journey in Nokron- Regill learned that the people of Nokron killed the God he wanted to find for the sake of their own revenge. That was it- the end of the journey. His only hope of curing the frenzied flame was destroyed while settling a grievance hundreds of years old. Regill was deeply disappointed and angered. He cried seeing that he could not take control of his life no matter how much he tried. In the end he left the place without a word and did not even say goodbye to the mimic he took care of. On his way out, he took one last look at Nokron. It wasn’t an answer to his plight, but at least it was beautiful. It was a quiet gift in its own way. Regill sat down, hugged his knees and stared at the "stars".
In the end, Regill decided to let go of his “desire”, and start wandering around. Perhaps this was his destiny- perhaps he was meant to realize that life was transient. That obsessions should be let go of, and other emotions be enjoyed to the fullest. That included crying, helping others, falling in love- and even getting hurt. It included embracing time, and even embracing goodbyes. His Blackflame remained with him- an eternal partner on whichever journey he decided to take, on this precious and only life. His witness- the sin he longed for.

Regill art